Canada : Quebec Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)
Skilled Worker Program
Quebec-selected skilled workers have the skills, education and work experience needed to make an immediate economic contribution to the province of Quebec and establish themselves successfully as permanent residents in Canada.To qualify for a Quebec Selection Certificate, Skilled Worker / Professional applicants must score enough points under the Quebec Immigration selection system below. a single applicant must score a minimum of 59 points. Quebec Skilled Worker / Professional applicants must then successfully complete medical and security examinations conducted by the Canadian government in order to be granted a Canada Immigration (Permanent Resident) Visa.
Quebec Self-Employed Business Immigration:
The Quebec Self-Employed category was designed to allow qualified individuals the opportunity to obtain a Canada immigration (Permanent Resident) Visa provided that they can effectively establish themselves in the Province of Quebec by practicing a trade or profession for their own account. The eligibility criteria for this program is :
come to Québec to create your own job by practicing a profession or trade on your own account.
- You should have net assets of at least C$100,000 that have been legally obtained with, where applicable, your married or common-law spouse provided he or she is accompanying you
- Should have at least two years of experience as a self-employed worker in the profession or trade you plan to practice in Québec.
The application will also be assessed on following factors:
- your and your spouse age, where applicable
- the nature and duration of your respective professional training
- your language skills ,your personal qualities and your knowledge of Québec.
Quebec Entrepreneurs program
To be eligible for this program, you must:
- have net assets of at least C$300,000.
- have at least two years' experience in running a business .
- Ability to carry out a business project component: submit a business project with the purpose of creating or acquiring a business in Québec .
The application will also be assessed on following factors:
- your age and your spouse age, where applicable
- the nature and duration of your respective training
- your language skills
- your personal qualities and your knowledge of Québec.
- The steps taken to acquire a business in Québec or your ability to carry out a business
If you would like to make an application under this immigration category or would like to speak with us regarding your eligibility for this program please call North American Immigration services(india)pvt.Ltd. during office hours Monday to Saturday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm at 91-11-4160 5455 / 4160 5456, 91-93122 33065. Other query must be sent to /
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