About Canada

Canada is a country occupying roughly the upper half of North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is a bilingual and multicultural country, with both English and French as official languages both at the federal level and in the province of New Brunswick. Canada has a parliamentary government with strong democratic traditions.


Canada has a diversified economy reliant upon its abundant natural resources and upon trade. It is a land of immense opportunities.


Some Facts about Canada- 

  • Capital: Ottawa
  • Population: 33,212,696
  • Land area: 3,511,003 sq mi (9,093,507 sq km); total area: 3,855,102 sq mi (9,984,670 sq km)
  • Languages: English & French official
  • Political system: Confederation with parliamentary democracy
  • Education: 97 % literacy rate
  • Culture: British Isles origin 28% ; French origin 23% ; other European 15%; Amerindian 2% ; other NA ; mostly Asian NA ; African NA ; Arab 6% ; mixed background 26%
  • Religions: Roman Catholic 46%, Protestant 36%, other 18%
  • Geography: Second-largest country in world; strategic location between Russia and US via north polar route; approximately 85% of the population is concentrated within 300 km of the US border
  • Climate: Varies from temperate in south to sub-arctic and arctic in north
  • Monetary unit: Canadian dollar

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